
June’s trio of Birthstones

What is the birthstone for June

Welcome back to the Diamonds Hatton Garden blog where we bring you the latest in insights and diamond jewellery from our Hatton Garden jewellers. In today’s blog we continue our on-going series examining each month’s beautiful birthstones with June’s birthstones. A trio of gorgeous gemstones greets us in June and make for a wonderful selection to inspire your jewellery designs: Pearl, Moonstone and Alexandrite.

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April’s Birthstone the delicious diamond

Welcome back to the Diamonds Hatton Garden blog where we bring you the latest from our Hatton Garden jewellers. We are delighted to announce that our diamond workshop is now open and we are taking appointments with out clients once again. And, in a wonderful coincidence, this month is a celebration of the diamond as it is the birthstone for April. In today’s blog we share all you need to know about our favourite gemstone.

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