Behind the veil..

An interview with Rebecca Anne Designs

Welcome back to the Diamonds Hatton Garden blog where we bring you the latest from our Hatton Garden Jewellers. To celebrate our recent collaboration and participation in a photo shoot with some of the UK’s most exciting companies within the wedding space we speak with Rebecca Anne of Rebecca Anne Designs about her life, her inspiration and her gorgeous veils.

Rebecca, thank you for sitting down with us. Tell our readers, what inspired your business?

I am a creative person and have always been. I studied a fashion degree and won an internship with Sassi Holford who introduced me to the bridal world which I completely fell in love with! I managed boutiques for years where I styled thousands of brides so combined with my experience and technical knowledge from university I developed my keen eye for detail and styling. I found there were many veil ‘companies’ who were mass manufacturing but not veil ‘designers’ offering something more meaningful and unique which I want to do. 

What inspires your creations?

It sounds cheesy but my brides inspire my collection! However, my original collection was created from my own love of botanical wildflowers and starry night skies. These are also quite ‘on trend’ which I guess helped catch attention?! I try to loosely follow trends but the beauty of embroidered veils is that the opportunities are endless for my brides. The collections showcase my signature style which attracted most of my brides to choose the bespoke route. I love working with my brides on a bespoke journey with them entrusting me to bring the final ideas to life. Every veil I create is so unique and creating them definitely inspires my ideas for new collection pieces. I I also find styled shoots very inspiring. Having a group of creative wedding suppliers come together is amazing – I have often designed something specifically for a shoot and it’s so inspiring working on a piece to bring another person’s vision to life. There are some shoots in the past year that have really challenged me to push the boundaries and think outside the box – giving me confidence in doing this more!

Who are your biggest style influences?

Style, for me, can come from a range of sources and not just the fashion world. Indeed, styles and trends can come and go but I have always been passionate about brands and designers who always seem on trend. Chanel, beautiful fabrics and cuts, is one that stands out to me. Outside of the fashion world, much like the inspiration for my first collection, nature and the outdoors inspires me. Colours, shapes and forms can be found in nature that have a timeless and elegant influence on my own designs!

How do you see weddings following on from the pandemic?

Weddings have always been very special – but even more so now. Who would have thought in the 21st century we would not be ABLE to get married – those postponed celebrations are going to mean so much more now. C-19 has perhaps reminded many that marriage is a celebration of love and that wedding days – big or small – bring us all together. I think we will see a continued rise in small weddings and elopements – partly due to restrictions but also perfect for those who are looking for a ‘less traditional’ day and don’t feel the pressure anymore to go with the norm. Your day your way! I also think that couples will be investing in the smaller personalised details of their weddings – such a personalised veil for bride!

Who would be your dream client?

I would have loved to have worked with Millie Mackintosh or Laura Whitmore – two very different bridal styles but both of which I adore. I truly believe there is a veil for everyone, whether you’re wearing a traditional gown or a bridal suit! I’d LOVE to work with Mollie King on her bridal veil – I love her timeless yet modern combinations and style! Anyone that falls in love with Rebecca Anne Designs is my dream client, I love working with those who share the passion of creating something organic and meaningful. Choosing the bespoke route is the ultimate designer veil experience, I love creating unique pieces that truly reflect my bride’s personality and bridal style.

All at Diamonds Hatton Garden would love to thank Rebecca Anne for her time and insights shared. For more information on her beautiful veils visit